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1What exactly is life coaching for kids?
Life coaching for kids is empowering kids through mindset development. Kids learn how to use the power of their mind and thoughts to create confidence, success and happiness in their lives.
- Coaching helps kids develop resilience skills. A life coach helps children learn how to manage life’s “curveballs” — whether it’s facing a big change or dealing with a major disappointment. Kids learn how to bounce back so they can “go for it” in life.
- Coaching helps kids develop self-esteem from the “inside out”. This helps kids learn how to base their self-esteem on who they are, not on what they have achieved, who they know, or what they do.
- Coaching helps kids learn to believe in themselves and build self-confidence. A life coach helps kids learn how to move through anxiety and fear so they can stretch outside of their comfort zone, create courage, and go for their dreams with confidence.
- Coaching helps kids develop their own “inner compass”. A life coach helps kids learn how to think for themselves and make good decisions, so they can stand up to peer pressure and be their own person.
- Coaching helps kids learn to live life with intention versus drifting through life without direction. By learning self-leadership skills, kids develop an empowered way of thinking that will help them develop a vision for their lives.
2People often confuse “life coaching for kids” and parenting.
Life coaching goes beyond the traditional parenting roles of moral and character development, and goes beyond learning how to treat others and learning how to behave. In fact, what kids learn in the Wisdom Coaching programs, most adults haven’t learned! When a parent seeks help with their child it doesn’t mean that they are an “ineffective parent”. Just as some children require more support for a learning disability or other developmental issues, many children need greater support in the areas of coping skills, building self-esteem, overcoming shyness, dealing with bullies, and so much more.
Why engage a life coach for your kids? Here are some common reasons…
Why engage a life coach for your kids? Here are some common reasons…
- Your kids struggle with low self esteem—getting down on themselves, beating themselves up, or thinking that no one likes them.
- You want extra help with your child to be more successful in school or extracurricular activities.
- Your child is going through a big change, such as a move, a new school, or divorcing parents.
- Your kids are struggling with confidence, shyness, or anxiety— avoiding new experiences.
- You want to help your children develop self-leadership skills.
- You worry your child is making poor choices with their peers.
- You’re struggling at home for your kids to do their homework, chores, and other responsibilities.
3What’s the difference between Life Coaching and Counselling or Therapy?
Although life coaching and counseling have similarities, such as asking the important questions, listening, and finding patterns in people's lives, they are not the same thing.
A Kids Life Coach offers very practical and measurable short-term support to everyday children with everyday challenges. Through providing children with hands on solutions to challenges children may be facing before they spiral out of control.
A Kids Life Coach focuses on the present moment, without deconstructing the causes behind the current situation.
A Child Psychologist and a Kids Life Coach both have the united goal for the child to become a fully functioning adult, it is just the type of support that varies.
A well-trained Kids Life Coach, will understand the importance of supporting a child in collaboration with other therapeutic professionals when needed. It is not within their remit to consider replacing a Child Psychologist, but rather, their role is to act as a “personal growth” incubator. In essence, Kids Life Coaching, is a preventative approach that equips a child by supporting them to solve problems by giving them the skills to move forward in life despite the challenges they are facing.
A Kids Life Coach offers very practical and measurable short-term support to everyday children with everyday challenges. Through providing children with hands on solutions to challenges children may be facing before they spiral out of control.
A Kids Life Coach focuses on the present moment, without deconstructing the causes behind the current situation.
A Child Psychologist and a Kids Life Coach both have the united goal for the child to become a fully functioning adult, it is just the type of support that varies.
A well-trained Kids Life Coach, will understand the importance of supporting a child in collaboration with other therapeutic professionals when needed. It is not within their remit to consider replacing a Child Psychologist, but rather, their role is to act as a “personal growth” incubator. In essence, Kids Life Coaching, is a preventative approach that equips a child by supporting them to solve problems by giving them the skills to move forward in life despite the challenges they are facing.
4How is coaching kids different from coaching adults?
Coaching kids is very different from coaching adults…and the distinction is brain development.
Adults have much stronger critical thinking skills because the frontal lobes of their brains, where critical thinking occurs, are fully developed. These critical thinking skills enable them to make distinctions and to draw conclusions more effectively. Adults also have greater life experience from which to draw upon. That is why life coaches for adults use questions as their main tool for engaging with their clients.
Children’s brains are different. Their frontal lobes are not fully developed nor are their critical reasoning skills. As a result, coaching kids requires a stronger teaching component to help them learn these powerful mindset skills. With a coach’s guidance, kids can then learn how to apply the skills to their own lives. And of course, children’s attention span tends to be a lot shorter as well — which is why it is important to find fun and engaging ways to work with kids. And that is why stories are such a powerful tool for coaching kids!
Adults have much stronger critical thinking skills because the frontal lobes of their brains, where critical thinking occurs, are fully developed. These critical thinking skills enable them to make distinctions and to draw conclusions more effectively. Adults also have greater life experience from which to draw upon. That is why life coaches for adults use questions as their main tool for engaging with their clients.
Children’s brains are different. Their frontal lobes are not fully developed nor are their critical reasoning skills. As a result, coaching kids requires a stronger teaching component to help them learn these powerful mindset skills. With a coach’s guidance, kids can then learn how to apply the skills to their own lives. And of course, children’s attention span tends to be a lot shorter as well — which is why it is important to find fun and engaging ways to work with kids. And that is why stories are such a powerful tool for coaching kids!
5Why using stories is a powerful way to coach kids
Stories are powerful! Stories have been used since the beginning of time, in every country and every culture, to pass along traditions and to teach morals. Stories are powerful learning tools because they make us think…and they make us feel. They imprint a picture in our mind and feelings in our heart. This creates an experience and helps us understand.
Stories have the power to transform, inspire, and to shape how we feel about ourselves and what is possible for our lives.
Stories give us another perspective, and a door into deeper understanding. They are a powerful way to connect with children!
Stories have the power to transform, inspire, and to shape how we feel about ourselves and what is possible for our lives.
Stories give us another perspective, and a door into deeper understanding. They are a powerful way to connect with children!

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